Types of Gynaecological Cancers and Their Relation to HPV
It would be a crime not to confess the underrated status of gynaecological cancers and the lack of research studies on the issue as an independent topic. Yes, we get a lot of coverage on cervical cancers. Information is also available widely in vaginal, vulvar and uterine cancers. But it's time we discuss in detail the general category of gynaecological cancers as a threat to womankind.
A Detailed Explanation of Gynaecological Cancers
Before proceeding to the detailed explanation that shows the relationship between HPV and gynaecological health, it is significant to learn about the different types of gynaecological cancers.
These include:
Cervical Cancer
The most common gynaecological cancer is cervical cancer. It affects a vast majority of women across the world and even causes fatal consequences to the general public. Caused mostly by HPV types 16, 18 and 45, complete elimination of cervical cancer is a top priority for healthcare organizations across the globe.
Vaginal Cancer
Though not as common as cervical cancer, the issue of vaginal cancer is a baffling one that could cause problems to the sexual life of women and their partners. The most similar factor that connects vaginal cancer to cervical cancer is an urgent need for treatment on an effective diagnosis. It is to ensure that internal issues like bleeding can be treated as early as possible and related infections can be easily avoided.
Vulvar Cancer
Vulvar cancer is strictly connected to the vulva region but is mostly found in occurrence with other gynaecological health issues. The risk factors of vulvar cancer depend on symptoms that arise in various case studies. Though vulvar cancer is experienced in the outer surface area of the reproductive system, the issues could spread to the clitoris, urethra and labia.
Uterine Cancer
Endometrial cancer, generally known as uterine cancer, is a problematic condition that infects the overall uterus area. The symptoms are readily diagnosable with the help of a gynaecologist, and treatment measures would optimally involve the removal of your uterus. Painful discharges and bleeding are the most active symptoms, and the abnormalities can be easily measured using a Pap Smear test.
Ovarian Cancer
If harmful cancer cell growth happens in your ovaries, it could be the beginning of a condition called ovarian cancer. It could be the outcome of HPV infection affecting different areas of an ovary, and the symptoms could be pelvic area discomfort, pain, fatigue, etc. It is less fatal compared to all the other types, and the survival rates show incredible promise.
Fallopian Tube Cancer
Perhaps the least considered among gynaecological disorders, fallopian tube cancer is very rare and extremely improbable. Also known as tubal cancer, only less than 2000 cases are reported worldwide. The main reason that you cannot ignore this disorder is due to its consequential problems that could lead to cancerous symptoms in other areas of the reproductive system, namely the uterus, vulva, etc.
Now that you know in detail about the types and signs of gynaecological cancer, let us have a look at the core factor that drives this article (the relation between HPV and Gynaecological Cancers).
Relation between HPV and Gynaecological Cancers
Studies have shown that up to 5% of cancers in humans arise due to the infection caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The prevention & detection process and gynaecological cancer screening can be effectively carried out using HPV tests at timely intervals.
The relation between HPV and gynaecological cancers could be casual/temporary or deep/permanent depending on the type of infection that you possess. If you suffer from cervical cancer infection or related symptoms, the virus trouble you face is significantly higher. For rare conditions like fallopian tube cancer, the HPV issue could be lower than the normal scenarios.
Either way, you will be facing the issue of high-risk HPV strains and the consequences they possess. Keep in mind that the value of healthy lifestyle practices plays a huge role in preventing gynaecological cancer symptoms. The entire female reproductive system will respond to any potential HPV infection symptoms.
Thus, it is better to adapt your system to essential wellness practices. These include dietary constraints, regular exercise, maintenance of the circadian cycle, frequent checkups with your consulting health expert, etc. Possessing HPV awareness and acquiring adequate sex education from an early age is necessary to stay on top of your gynaecological health.
Wrapping Up
There is no need to panic while dealing with issues related to gynaecological cancers. The only thing of relevance is your undivided attention on the subject and regular visits with your gynaecologist or a healthcare specialist. Vaccines, preventive measures, remedial features and diagnosis techniques all exist independently for dealing with various types of gynaecological cancer symptoms. Stay healthy; stay happy!