An Overview of Bipha Biosciences Unit: The Parent Division that Produces HPV-Basant
You have explored a lot about HPV-Basant and its numerous benefits to the healthcare domain. Now it’s time for you to learn about the parent division at Bipha that produces the herbal formulation, HPV-Basant - Bipha Biosciences unit.
About Bipha Biosciences
Bipha Biosciences is an exclusive, novel division of Bipha Drugs laboratories. It is the home of HPV-Basant and is also the unit that helps in the research and development of numerous Ayurvedic formulations.
The work documented at Bipha Bioscience reports is strictly scientific and works as a development funnel for numerous research-backed products. Several tie-up programs and partner solutions exist for the Biosciences division. Some of these include Dr. Talwar Research Foundation, DRDO, BCIL, RGCB and KRIBS-BIONEST.
Our Solutions and Offerings
There is no lack of clinically proven solutions and offerings under the Bipha Biosciences unit. Listed below are the natural solutions and formulations under the Bipha Bioscience research and training centre division.
HPV-Basant is a herbal formulation including the Ayurvedic ingredients of Turmeric, Neem, Curcumin and Aloe vera. It is a natural solution that creates a significant impact in relieving HPV infection and related symptoms.
HPV-Basant is presently available in vaginal capsule form. It will soon be available in commercial markets in gel and cream forms. The licensing and development procedures are already complete for this formulation.
Lubip is available in both ointment and syrup formats. It helps in the treatment and management of Leucoderma. The scientific development of the product is done in association with DRDO’s Defence Institute of Bioenergy & Research. Considering how the Ministry of Defence supports this formulation, you can know how much significance it possesses in the world of natural remedies.
Exbip is a formulation that works as a topical herbal solution for dealing with eczema. This is being developed in an ointment form and works as an Ayurvedic patent and proprietary medicine from Bipha Biosciences.
Nouraz is another offering from the Biosciences unit, which is under development as a herbal formulation for treating vaginosis.
Other R & D Projects
Several research and development projects are in the pipeline and discussion layouts. It is only a matter of time before Bipha Biosciences rolls out more exciting formulations and projects. Stay tuned to this space to know more about the same.
Wrapping Up
Bipha Biosciences unit is under a continuous development process and offers terrific support to quality research and innovative philosophy in equal measure. A valuable point about the Bioscience discovery division is the synchronous relationship between two of its crucial units - the manufacturing facility and the R & D facility.