Controlling HPV – Some Interesting Facts to Know

Controlling HPV – Some Interesting Facts to Know

Have you heard of an infection which is common, yet not symptomatic often? Yes, this is all about Human papillomavirus aka HPV infection. If you are sexually active, you might have been infected with this unknowingly also and you may never know it too!  

Causes of HPV  

Causes of this infection range from immune system weakness to not so safe sexual practices, even unhygienic toilet seats contaminated with HPV virus. Oral sex also can spread HPV infection. Therefore, you have to think prevention is better than cure. As it seldom shows notable symptoms like warts (plantar, genital etc.), chances of spreading this to others cannot be ignored.  

Transmission of HPV  

HPV is contagious and transmits from skin to skin contact and even through shared clothes, contaminated public water resources like pools, etc. Sexually transmitted HPV is more found to be leading to cancerous lesions in the body.   

Symptoms of HPV infection  

If you are getting notable symptoms of hpv infection , these can be among them. Genital warts which are flat lesions, cauliflower-like small pimples are mostly seen near vulva, vagina, cervix pr even near the anus. Genital warts can be single or Mutiple in number and are bleeding or producing abnormal discharge if affecting vagina.  

Common warts which are rough and occurring on limbs are also associated with HPV in some people. They also can bleed in due course of time. Rough warts on heels or feet called plantar warts can also be a part of this.  

As per research done in 2020, a plantar wart called verruca is found in types 1, 4, 57, 60, 63, 65 and 66. You should understand that every plantar wart may not be connected with HPV, but genital warts are more related to HPV. Other symptoms can be itching, pain and burning sensation around the infected areas.  

Genital warts in HPV VS Herpes  

You might have heard of people mistaking HPV genital warts for Herpes infection. Herpes is caused due to Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection and this is also sexually contracted like HPV. Herpes sores are like blisters and more like open wounds and genital warts HPV type are bump like small and often reddish.  

Fate of HPV  

HPV can stay hidden inside your body for years and without HPV symptoms also. You should take precautionary measure for preventing potential spread of infection to others by having protective sex only and that too by refraining from deep kissing and oral sex when your partner has any sores in mouth. Regular screening tests are also advisable to assess your sexual health. 

The good news is that in most cases, the virus gets cleared from the body if you have a strong immune system. The body produces antibodies against the virus and the infection subsides within one or two years provided you also lead a well-planned healthy lifestyle.  

Incidence of Cervical cancer associated with HPV  

HPV virus has E6 and E7 proteins which turn off tumor suppressor genes and promote excess growth of cervical cells leading to cancerous changes in many. HPV 16 and 18 cause 70 % of cervical cancers and precancerous lesions in the body. HPV is thus known to be the most common cause of cervical cancer. 

HPV control  

Researches are going on in this arena to bring out therapeutically effective formulations for hpv virus infection and the currently available options are primary prevention using poly herbal formulations like BASANT, secondary prevention including screening and treatment of pre-cancerous lesions and palliative care coupled with counselling.  

Diet for HPV control  

 Whole grains, antioxidant rich foods like tomatoes, dark leafy vegetables can be taken in daily diet. Avoid heavy and low nutrient food junk food and carbonated drinks. Excessive amounts of red meat and alcohol consumption also needs to be avoided.  

Lifestyle for HPV control  

Adopt a positive outlook about life and stick on to a proper daily routine in life. Too much stress and erratic diet and sleep patterns can adversely affect your health. Be sincere to yourself and start valuing your life and go ahead.   

About BASANT  

BASANT is a novel polyherbal formulation useful in females and acts against a wide range of microbes like bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It can be used as prophylactic and curative. The technology of BASANT has been developed by Talwar research foundation, Delhi, and licensed by BCIL technology. The development team has been working under Prof. G.P Talwar, former director, the National Institute of Immunology (NII).  

Ingredients of BASANT   

BASANT is made suitable for acting on HPV infection by the presence of purified curcumin, purified extract of Amla, Neem extract, Aloe vera extract like ingredients.   

Researches about BASANT   

BASANT inhibits the growth of Neisseria gonorrhea as per clinical studies.  

(Talwar et. Al,2008). It has also powerful inhibitory action against Candida glabrata, Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis isolated from women with vulvovaginal candidiasis. Aloe and Amla have been observed to inhibit the transduction of HPV – 16 pseudo virus cells at concentrations far below those used in the formulation. These findings are based on a study named Clearance of cervical human papilloma virus infection by topical application of Curcumin and Curcumin containing polyherbal cream – a phase II randomized controlled study. In short, polyherbal formulation BASANT prevents sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Candida besides HPV. It prevents entry of HPV – 16 in cervical cells and also eliminates this strain from infected cells before getting fully converted to carcinoma of cervix. This is also shown as restoring the normalcy of pap smear. It is regarded as highly effective even in recurring vaginosis like diseases as well as helps to maintain proper vaginal health.  BASANT is a ray of hope in Ayurvedic management of HPV infection. 

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