The High-Risk HPV Strains You Should Know
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common STD of our time and infects millions of women and men across the globe. More than 10 million personnel in the USA gets newly infected every year.
But there is more to these numbers than just one major stat. HPV infection is widespread, and many strains of the virus are present. The various high-risk HPV strains and prevention tips are mentioned in this post. It also covers the effects of the different virus strains. Read on to know more about the same.
HPV Strains - An Overview
HPV causes numerous health defects to the affected and is a relevant concern if left untreated. The effects are mainly observed in the form of cancerous growth - on parts like the cervix, vagina, anus, vulva, throat, etc. There is also the risk of genital warts and effects on areas like hands or feet.
Caused mainly by genital skin contact and sexual partnerships, HPV infections are rising rapidly and are a topic of concern. All HPV strains or types can cause ill effects on your body, the main ones being high-risk strains.
HPV vaccination is capable of protecting you from all HPV strains - low & high-risk types. It is better to get vaccinated at an early age for preventing them according to your body’s maximum potential.
But if you were never vaccinated or if your vaccine didn’t work against the incoming infection, then the best option is to have a grasp on the different HPV strains. This will help you analyze the effects of each strain and cross-examine the ones you possess.
Types of HPV Strains
HPV strains are of two main types - low-risk and high-risk types. Low-risk strains have minimal risk for you and may heal on their own after two or three years of infection. High-risk strains are very dangerous for your health, and if you leave them without treatment, it might lead to conditions like severe cancer. The total types extend up to 200.
The low-risk HPV strains are more compared to the high-risk types and cause effects like warts. The prominent types in this category are strains 6, 11, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70, 72 and 81. Though not as dangerous as high-risk strains, if you ever get diagnosed with any of these types, treat and overcome those without fail. These are the HPV strains that cause warts.
Of the 200, fourteen are high-risk strains and are capable of causing cancerous growth. These include strains 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68. More on them in the next segment.
High-Risk HPV Strains
These include the types of HPV strains where the infection can spread easily and cause critical harm to your health. Of the top high-risk variants of this virus, 16 and 18 are the ones that deserve special attention. These two types are the main HPV strains that cause cancer, including cervical cancer among women.
HPV-16 and HPV-18 can also cause other cancer types like cancers in the vagina, vulva, penis and anus. Throat and mouth cancers that arise from unsafe oral sex are also a result of 16 and 18.
High-risk strains are mostly caused by sexual activities that are over the usual limit. High-risk types are capable of causing more harm to the immune system, and it affects your overall immunity, thereby leaving you prone to other illnesses as well.
Tips for Prevention & Cure
Listed below are the top tips to prevent and cure HPV, irrespective of the infection type:
- As we mentioned earlier, the optimum choice to prevent HPV is the vaccine. Do not refrain from getting vaccinated if you are seeking to avoid the infection symptoms altogether (including low-strain types).
- Once you miss the timeline for vaccination and if you get infected, then the only solution is to find a viable cure that equals or tops the effects of the vaccine. The most obvious choice in this regard is HPV-Basant, a herbal formulation to cure all types of HPV strains.
Final Thought
You should give more attention to the symptoms of HPV infection than the strains. And remember that some HPV effects will occur without any symptoms. The ideal solution is to do frequent HPV tests and resolve any potential chances of infection in the initial stages itself. On diagnosis, give special attention to HPV strains causing cervical cancer.